Ryan Wei

The making of jasmine tea is an intricate craft. Through five to six, even nine meticulous blending sessions, the tea leaves absorb the delicate essence of jasmine flowers, achieving a harmonious balance between tea aroma and floral fragrance, resulting in a refreshing taste. It's not just a simple mix of tea and flowers; the process is laborious and requires meticulous attention to detail.

The Beauty of Grading of Jasmine Tea

The grading of jasmine tea often revolves around its aroma. Utilizing advanced wet piling techniques ensures the tea leaves fully absorb the fragrance while facilitating the transformation of polyphenols, thereby reducing bitterness. The resulting brew boasts a light apricot hue, clarity, and a lively flavor profile, devoid of any stewed notes. Each additional blending session transforms the tea leaves profoundly. After six blends, the tea exudes a rich and full-bodied floral aroma, accompanied by a delicate sweetness that lingers on the palate; after eight blends, the aroma becomes robust and profound, with a serene and lingering aftertaste; achieving the pinnacle, the elusive nine-blend Jasmine Needle King exhibits a delicate and refined aroma, clear and bright, with a lofty fragrance and an endless finish.

High Standards of Producing Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea embodies the essence of "tea bones and floral soul." Premium-grade jasmine tea not only demands exceptional craftsmanship but also sets high standards for tea leaf plucking and processing. Not all tea leaves can withstand multiple blending sessions. The repeated blending process not only consumes a considerable amount of fresh jasmine flowers but also requires precise control from skilled artisans. After reaching the peak of absorbing floral essence, the tea leaves may revert, risking the loss of previous efforts. Therefore, meticulously plucked and processed green tea leaves are preferred, with plump buds and distinctive silver needles being among the materials used to create top-tier floral tea.

During the hottest days of summer, known as the "san fu days," jasmine tea requires around a month to be meticulously crafted. Without unwavering dedication and true craftsmanship, achieving such a high grade of floral tea would be difficult. How could such jasmine tea not be regarded as exceptional? It's a rare display of dedication across the spectrum of teas.

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