About Zhao Tea

Why Create ZhaoTea?

Zhao Zhao founded this brand with a simple question in mind: How can we make savoring exceptional tea an easy part of everyday life? By selecting only the finest tea leaves from core regions and adhering to classic crafting techniques, our mission is to offer unparalleled tea experiences. Through educational videos, tasting events, and tea gatherings, ZhaoTea aims to simplify the tea journey from selection to storage, making the exquisite world of tea accessible to all.

What Are Your Tea Selection Standards?

Our tea selection revolves around 3 pillars: benchmark quality, core regions, and classic techniques.

Rigorously selected by Zhao Zhao and our expert team, our teas blend excellent craftsmanship with great value, promising a superb tea experience at a fair price. Zhao Zhao shares practical brewing and tasting methods based on our collective experience, helping everyone understand each tea better.

Our team, with over a decade of operation experiences, deeply understands both tea and business. We have extensive experience operating in core tea-producing regions, building trust with local farmers, merchants, and experts, allowing us to identify teas that offer excellent value for money. We have a keen sense of tea grades and their corresponding price point, ensuring our teas provide exceptional value.

This may well be the best value-for-money tea you can find in North America.

Why Emphasize "Core Regions" and "Classic Techniques" for High-Quality Tea?

The quality of tea is significantly influenced by its origin and the methods used in its production. Teas from core regions possess unique aromas and flavors shaped by their specific microclimates. Classic Techniques, refined over generations, unlock and enhance these characteristics, making our teas not only rare but truly exceptional in the competitive market.

What Does "Savoring Tea, Simply with ZhaoTea" mean?

Our mission is to make high-quality tea accessible to everyone. We extract the essence of the entire tea experience, from selection to brewing, ensuring each cup is an extraordinary journey of flavors. Our teas are designed to delight effortlessly, whether you're a tea aficionado or a beginner.

We empower our community with the knowledge needed to enjoy tea confidently. Join us in a journey where each sip brings health, joy, relaxation, and beauty into your life.

Do Our Teas Contain Additives?

At Zhao Tea, we take pride in offering teas in their purest form—free from additives, preservatives, or flavorings. Our teas are sourced from authentic origins and processed using traditional methods, preserving the intrinsic qualities and aroma of each tea leaf. This commitment to purity ensures that every cup of our tea delivers an authentic and unadulterated experience, reflecting the true essence of Chinese Gongfu Tea.

Are Our Teas Shipped Directly from the US?

Yes, we maintain warehouses in the US, ensuring that our teas are securely packaged and promptly delivered to your doorstep. With expedited shipping options, you can expect your order to arrive within 3-5 days, guaranteeing freshness and quality with every sip.

Why are some of your teas frequently out of stock?

Our selection team meticulously evaluates and screens every batch of tea. Even for the same type of tea, differences in harvesting times and processing techniques can lead to variability in the final product. We uphold strict quality standards, leading to frequent out-of-stocks, especially for our most popular and limited production teas. If quality doesn't meet our standards, we won't select it and will instead wait for the next batch.

If you come across a favorite seasonal tea, you may want to stock up for future enjoyment.

How to Choose Good Tea?

How Are Teas Classified?

Chinese teas are categorized by fermentation level into six types (from low to high): white, green, yellow, oolong, black, and dark tea. Each type offers distinct flavors and aromas. In addition, there are also reprocessed teas represented by jasmine tea, where natural flower petals are added during the production process to infuse the tea with floral aroma, providing a unique sensory experience for tasting.

Which Teas Are Suitable for Novices?

For tea novices, we recommend starting with teas that offer distinct flavors and aromas, such as black tea and Jasmine tea. These teas are characterized by their robust profiles, sweet notes, and smooth textures, making them ideal for beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike. With their simple brewing methods, these teas can be enjoyed effortlessly, whether at home or on the go.Our Approach to Tea Selection:

1. Affordable price

2. Enjoyable tea aroma, taste, and experience

3. Emotional resonance with each sip

To get started with, each of our teas is available in a "3-tasting set," allowing you to sample and compare different varieties. Additionally, if you're interested in a particular type of tea, such as black tea, oolong tea, white tea, or jasmine tea, we offer a "Tasting Set" for each type. Each "Tasting Set" box contains different grades and styles of tea within that category, allowing you to sample and find the teas you enjoy the most.

What Are the Health Benefits of Different Tea Types?

Tea offers a myriad of health benefits, ranging from mental alertness to immune support. Each tea type boasts unique properties that contribute to overall well-being:

1. Black tea: known for its antioxidant properties and soothing effects on the digestive system.

2. Oolong tea: renowned for its diverse flavors and potential health benefits, including weight management and cardiovascular support.

3. White tea: prized for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, making it an ideal choice for overall wellness.

4. Scented tea: combines the aromatic qualities of tea with the floral notes of natural ingredients, offering a sensory experience that invigorates the mind and body.

Do You Offer Low-Caffeine Tea Options?

Yes. For those seeking low-caffeine options, we recommend aged white tea and black tea most. They naturally contain lower levels of caffeine, making them suitable for consumption throughout the day or even before bedtime. Click here to check our offerings.

What Is the Difference Between "Daily Delight Tea" and "Exclusive Reserve Tea" ?

Our "Daily Delight Tea" and "Private Tea" have different purposes.

"Daily Delight Tea" is crafted for everyday enjoyment, offering convenience and flavor, perfect for any settings, such as afternoon tea or outdoor events, and can be brewed easily in various containers.

"Exclusive Reserve Tea" is our premium selection with a higher-grade traditional Chinese Gongfu tea, designed for deeper appreciation and savored slowly, ideally in a traditional setting with special teaware and preparer.

Can I Drink Tea During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Zhao Zhao drank tea every day. It's generally safe and healthy to drink tea during this time, as it can boost your mood. The amino acids in tea stimulate the secretion of dopamine, promoting a sense of well-being for expectant and nursing mothers.

Tea is generally safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding when consumed responsibly. Limit intake to three cups a day and monitor your body’s reaction to ensure comfort and safety.

If you have any conditions, please consult your doctor for personalized advice.

How Can I Sample Your Teas in Small Quantities?

You have several options to sample our teas:

1. If you're in the bay area, we regularly host offline tasting events or tea gatherings that you can attend to sample our teas. Information about these events can be found on our website or by subscribing to our email newsletter.

2. If you're in the bay area and interested in specific teas or have questions you'd like to discuss, you can schedule a tea tasting session with our host. To schedule a tasting, please click here.

3. If you purchase our tea online, each tea comes with a "Trial Set" including 3 tea bags for you to taste. Additionally, we provide a "Tasting kit" for different tea categories and each tasting kit provides different teas within that category for you to sample and explore.

If you come across a favorite seasonal tea, you may want to stock up for future enjoyment.

How to Brew and Store Tea?

How can I brew my tea better?

Use any vessel from a travel mug to a traditional teapot. Our "Daily Delight Tea" series can be easily brewed with just a travel mug or glass pot to have a delightful and aromatic brew.

If you want to savor the aroma and flavor of tea more deeply, we recommend using a teapot (or Gaiwan), fairness cup, and tea cups for tasting. For a deeper tasting experience, we recommend specific "Tea Ware" and "Brewing Methods" detailed on our product pages.

What are some tips for brewing tea to make it taste better?

Focus on the tea-to-water ratio, steeping time, and water temperature. Follow the guidelines provided for each tea type on our product pages to enhance its unique flavors and aromas.

Can your tea be brewed multiple times? How many times can it be brewed?

Yes, our high-quality teas can be brewed multiple times. The endurance of each tea varies and is specified on its product page, with some teas capable of over 10 brews.

Do you have any recommended tea sets for brewing?

We offer a variety of teaware on our website, suitable for different brewing experiences. From simple mugs to complete tea ceremony sets, find what best suits your needs. Teaware.

What is the shelf life of your tea? How should tea be stored?

A good rule of thumb to store dry tea is "away from light, at room temperature, sealed, and dry." Our packaging has already took care of these storage conditions. Once opened, simply reseal the canister after each use put it back to the self. No fridge is needed here

When stored properly, white tea can be kept for an extended period, while black tea and oolong tea can be preserved for over 3 years. Scented teas can maintain their quality for over 2 years. While tea seldom "expires," its aroma and taste may gradually weaken over time, losing their optimal drinking state. Therefore, we recommend opening the package and enjoying the tea as soon as possible.