Welcome to ZhaoTea, where we believe enjoying high-quality tea should be simple and delightful. Our journey began with a single question: How can we make savoring exceptional tea an easy part of everyday life?

Sourced from the heart of their origins and crafted with age-old techniques, each cup we offer is a commitment to authenticity and care. Whether you're a brewing novice or a tea aficionado, our teas are designed to be enjoyed by all. With our straightforward brewing and tasting guides, diving into the world of tea is easy and enjoyable.

Tea is a legacy that has flowed through generations, enriching lives with its myriad of flavors and stories. We’re here to bring that legacy to you, bridging miles and moments with a cup of tea that invites you to pause, savor, and enjoy.

Here, we share more than just tea; we share the moments tea creates. With Zhao Tea, whether it's the comfort of a solitary cup or the warmth of shared brews, every cup is an invitation to relax, to immerse you in the aromatic harmony of tea, and to bring simple pleasure to your daily life.


Zhao Zhao, the heart and soul behind ZhaoTea, is your warm guide through the rich tapestry of modern tea culture in North America. A tea culture influencer with a significant following, she’s dedicated to sharing the finest teas, tea culture, and the joy of a tea-infused lifestyle with you.

Growing up in Fujian, the cradle of tea in China, Zhao Zhao was steeped in tea culture from a young age. Over a decade, her fascination with tea blossomed into a profound understanding and love for it, leading her on adventures to the core tea lands in search of exceptional brews.

In 2022, she traded her successful corporate career for her true passion, creating "ZhaoTea." In just two years, she cultivated a community of thousands of tea lovers across Asia, Europe, and North America. Through her ongoing series of online and offline tea gatherings, she shares her personal tea journey— how to brew, savor, and appreciate tea—bringing the beauty of a modern tea lifestyle to people around the globe.

Zhao Zhao believes that high-quality tea can naturally nourish and enrich our lives. She's on a mission to make it easy for more people to access and enjoy premium tea crafted from the finest origins and traditional techniques. With each cup, she invites you to experience the health, joy, relaxation, and beauty that a simple tea moment can bring into your life.