Miao Kang

Black tea, one of the six major categories of Chinese tea, is divided into Small Leaf Black Tea, Gongfu Black Tea, and Broken Black Tea.

Small Leaf Black Tea

Small Leaf Black Tea includes the original "Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong," initially crafted from the small-leaved tea bushes in the Tongmu Guan region. The traditional process involves withering, rolling, fermentation, and smoking with pine wood smoke, resulting in a unique flavor profile with hints of pine smoke and longan soup. Although variations like Yanyexiaozhong and Huaxiangxiaozhong have emerged, Small Leaf Black Tea remains rooted in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian Province.

Tongmu Guan is renowned for its exceptional ecological environment, and local tea farmers proudly identify their tea as "Zheng Shan," indicating exclusivity to the region. However, due to limited tea production in Tongmu Guan, other regions have begun producing black tea similar to "Zheng Shan." This expansion led to the emergence of the second category of black tea—Gongfu Black Tea.

Gongfu Black Tea

Gongfu Black Tea, not to be confused with the martial art of "kung fu tea," emphasizes the time and effort invested in its production. Various regions use tea bushes suited to their local environments, following standardized black tea processing techniques. The result is a Gongfu Black Tea with a local character, featuring a rich, sweet, and smooth taste. Examples include Zhenghe Gongfu, Tanyang Gongfu, and Bailin Gongfu, named after their respective tea-producing regions, such as Yunnan's Dianhong and Anhui's Qimen Black Tea. These teas have gained worldwide acclaim.

Broken Black Tea

As the name suggests, Broken Black Tea involves cutting the tea leaves into small pieces, ideal for adding sugar and milk to create beverages. This method aligns with the Western tradition of adding milk and sugar to black tea, popularized in English-style afternoon tea. Broken Black Tea constitutes approximately 80% of the world's total black tea consumption. High-quality teas, usually reserved for savoring, are not typically broken into small pieces and are often intended for domestic consumption, allowing connoisseurs to appreciate their nuanced flavors.

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