As the summer sun blazes, what teas can keep you cool, refreshed, and alert?
  1. Jasmine Tea – A Floral Oasis

Nothing beats the intense floral aroma and refreshing sweetness of Jasmine Tea on a hot summer day. As a native of Fuzhou, I recall the joy of sipping Jasmine Tea under the shade of a large banyan tree, cooling off after outdoor adventures. For those with a sensitive stomach, opt for Jasmine Tea with white tea leaves for a milder experience without compromising its freshness and sweetness. Try cold brewing Jasmine Needle King; watching the plump buds stand tall in the cold brew is a visual delight!
  1. Oolong Tea – Your Mind's Wake-Up Call

In the summer heat, opt for a light, sweet, and fragrant tea like Oolong. Especially in California, where I reside, heavy teas like Rock Tea can make me feel overheated. Enter Pear Mountain Oolong – its floral aroma and mountainous essence provide a light, refreshing experience. Taiwanese Oolong has a unique feature – after hot brewing, letting the tea cool to around 60 degrees unlocks another layer of flavor, making it an excellent choice for lowering temperatures. The mild fermentation of aromatic Oolong retains freshness and boosts alertness, making it perfect for cold brewing!
  1. White Hair Silver Needle – Elegance in a Cup

White Hair Silver Needle offers a gentle, tender sweetness with hints of honey, connecting us to the natural essence of spring and summer. Its comfortable and soothing sensation, coupled with high amino acid content, aids in digestion, supports immunity, and helps regulate the digestive system. While not the ideal cold brew due to the inability to fully extract layers of substances in cold water, it shines when hot-brewed, offering a connection to nature in the comfort of your home. So, brew a pot of White Hair Silver Needle and let the soothing notes transport you to the heart of the forest.
Embrace the summer vibes with these delightful teas – a refreshing blend of floral, fragrant, and soothing notes to elevate your summer experience!
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