
Many tea enthusiasts often ponder whether their evening tea ritual could be the culprit behind sleepless nights. Surprisingly, the right tea can actually be a bedtime ally, not just preventing insomnia but also promoting sleep.

Why Tea Can Be Sleep-Friendly

Despite its caffeine content, which is typically associated with wakefulness, tea also contains L-theanine and GABA–compounds known for their nerve-soothing properties. This dual nature of tea explains why, unlike wine which excites, tea tends to calm the drinker. 

Three Tips for Sleep-Friendly Tea Brewing

  • Skip the First Brew: The majority of caffeine in tea is released in the first infusion. Skipping it reduces the likelihood of caffeine-induced insomnia.

  • Brew at Lower Temperatures: Lowering the brewing temperature from the third or fourth infusion onwards can further minimize caffeine extraction.

  • Stick to One Tea Type: Mixing different teas in one night can increase caffeine intake, potentially affecting sleep. Sticking to one tea type can be a safer choice.

Personal Tolerance Varies

The impact of tea on sleep varies from person to person. While experimenting with these methods can increase your body's tolerance to caffeine, if you still find yourself awake after a cup, consider avoiding tea for about four hours before bedtime.

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