Buying tea online opens up a world of variety and expert insights, but it can also be overwhelming. With my years of experience in tea drinking and purchasing, I've developed some key strategies to help you make informed choices and enjoy the best teas available online.
  1. Comparison is Key
When selecting tea online, comparison is your best tool. Look beyond trendy teas and focus on the classics, considering the variety, origin, and processing methods. These factors are crucial in determining the quality and authenticity of the tea.
  1. Visual Inspection
The appearance of the dry tea tells a lot about its quality. Look for uniformity, bud presence, and absence of stems or mixed leaves. Once the tea arrives, compare it with the online images to gauge the seller's accuracy and reliability.
  1. Start with Samples or Tasting Packs

Before committing to a large purchase, start with samples or tasting packs. This is a great way to test the quality and ensure it meets your expectations. Keep a sample for future reference to compare with bulk purchases.


Buying tea online can be a rewarding experience when done with care and attention. Remember, the right selection and approach can make all the difference in your tea journey.