
9 Tea Tasting Kit · Explore the World of Tea (A Box of 9 Exquisite Tea Varieties) 经典9茶·品鉴装

Regular price $68.00 USD
Sale price $68.00 USD Regular price $78.00
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This carefully curated tasting set includes 9 uniquely exquisite teas, each directly sourced from the farmers at their places of origin and sealed in its own packet. This kit is designed for you to discover and savor the perfect blend of aroma and flavor.

- Wild Black Tea (5g): A unique black tea with a distinctive fir flavor and mountain scent.

- Aged White Peony (4g): Rich and robust with an enduring sweetness and aged charm.

- Ten-Year Aged Shou Mei (4g): Excellent cost-performance ratio, highly praised by customers.

- Aged Mandarin Peel White Tea (5g): Sweetly mellow tea blending tangerine peel with aged white tea.

- Nine-Time-Scented Jasmine Silver Needle King (4g): This is the highest quality Jasmine Tea you can find on the market, made with pure buds and top-tier craftsmanship and featuring pure buds processed with 9 scenting techniques for a strong, sweet taste and a luxurious, floral tea experience.The tea broth is fresh and lively, with a high endurance for multiple infusions, allowing you to enjoy it all day long.

- Lapsang Souchong (floral style) (5g): Elevated floral and fruity notes, perfect alone or as a base for mixed beverages.

- Traditional Tie Guan Yin (5g): A high-quality oolong tea with a prominent orchid fragrance and refreshing aftertaste.

- Taiwan Jinxuan (5g): Known as "sweet water" for its rich milk aroma. Aka: Most popular Taiwan oolong tea.

- Lishan Oolong (5g): Emblematic of Taiwanese "High Mountain Tea."

"Tea quality truly resonates with one's personal taste" I often say. When choosing your ideal tea, consider these three simple criteria:

- Affordability: Enjoy exceptional tea without the strain on your wallet. It's about savoring the pleasure of tea, not the price.

- Personal Enjoyment: Select teas that delight your senses. The aroma, flavor, and the experience should all align with what you enjoy the most.

- Aesthetic Experience: Let each sip connect with you physically, visually, and emotionally.

These 9 varieties are not just teas; they are benchmarks of quality, sourced directly from the origin, allowing you to experience the true essence of each tea. Many of our patrons have found joy in gifting this set to friends, family, and tea enthusiasts alike, discovering that Zhao Tea isn't just a product but a thoughtful, heartfelt gift.

WHAT is inside

Wild Black Tea

Hailing from Tongmu of Wuyi Mountain in Fujian, this high-quality black tea offers an aged fir flavor, mingling mountain and wildflower scents. Sourced from 100-year-old tea trees at 5000 feet altitude and picked once a year, this tea is a treasured must-have for veteran tea drinkers seeking an authentic, profound experience.

Suitable For:

Veteran tea drinkers and those who appreciate an authentic, matured black tea flavor.
Suitable for hot brew or gongfu brewing

Aged Mandarin Peel White Tea

A best seller in China, this tea marries the fragrance of aged mandarin peel with the matured flavor of aged tea. Its authentic processing results in a mild and sweet flavor, offering a versatile brewing experience that's highly prized.

Suitable For:

Ideal for those seeking a tea with a distinct character and healthful properties.
Easy brewing for people on the go and looking for a unique, health-promoting tea or an interesting twist on traditional white tea.
Various brewing methods including gongfu brewing, mug brewing, thermos and boiling – each offering a delightful taste experience.

Lapsang Souchong (Floral Style)

Experience the lighter, high floral and fruity aroma of Blossom Lapsang Black Tea from Wuyi Mountain, Fujian. Its sweet and mellow taste makes it an ideal choice for novices and enthusiasts alike. Dive into a cup of this delightful tea and embrace its sweet, aromatic journey.

Suitable For:

Easy brewing for people on the go, and for those who are beginners or prefer a lighter, more aromatic black tea.

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